Make A New Years Resolution Today πŸ’—

10  New Years Resolution Ideas 

πŸ’— Explore a creative hobby...
πŸ’— Read 5 pages a day of your choice of novel...
πŸ’— Take control of your finances. Save & invest...
πŸ’— Redecorate your space , declutter your closet and organize...
πŸ’— Go on an adventure in your hometown alone...
πŸ’— Wake up earlier than usual and have a slow, mindful morning...
πŸ’— Clean up your eating habits , loose those extra Kgs...
πŸ’— Volunteer in an NGO or any Social event...
πŸ’— Break your bad habits...
πŸ’— Invest in yourself , buy that Gucci you always wanted to...
